Campaign Policy Briefings

Culham St Gabriel’s is supporting the creation of a series of policy research briefings on themes such as:

  • Community relations
  • Public perception
  • Shortage of subject specialist teachers
  • Mental health and wellbeing
  • Social disadvantage
  • Freedom of religion or belief
  • Diversity, equity and inclusion

Each briefing paper highlights relevant research and how it pertains to a broad-based, critical, reflective education in religion and worldviews. We hope that the religion and worldviews community will use these briefing papers to support them in their advocacy and lobbying work with policy and decision makers, and with senior educationalists.

The following briefings are currently available to download below:

Addressing the Crisis: Revitalising Religious Education Teacher Recruitment

This briefing paper sets out the current challenges regarding the recruitment of Religious Education and offers policies to improve the situation.

Freedom of Religion or Belief and Education in the UK

This briefing paper explains Article 18 of the 1948 Universal Declaration of Human Rights, commonly referred to as Freedom of Religion or Belief (FoRB) and the commitments relating to FoRB and education made by the UK government.

Building community relations through research informed educational practice in schools

This briefing paper explores how schools and teachers can promote positive community relations, with particular reference to an education in religion and worldviews.

Religion, worldviews and public perception

This briefing paper draws on the findings of two nationally representative surveys commissioned through Savanta ComRes in 2021 and 2022 to show how the general public value the teaching of religion and worldviews in schools.

Addressing the crisis


4.3 MB


Freedom of religion or belief and education


12.0 MB


Building community relations


3.5 MB


Religion, worldviews and public perception


2.1 MB


Please visit this page regularly for updates and uploading of new briefings.